Concrete Sleepers Available From Iconwalls Carrum Downs


Buy Factory Direct And Save Money


Phone : 03 9706 4779

Factory : 11 Kitchen Rd
Dandenong  Victoria 3175

Icon Walls is a Melbourne owned and run concrete-sleeper manufacturer. We’re local guys with over 30 years experience in Retaining walls, garden / Landscape construction and civil construction.
Over the years, as we worked building beautiful landscapes, gardens and constructing retaining walls we discovered that concrete sleepers are the best option for both short term and long term.
We take great pride in our work, and started to look for better materials, our solution was to manufacturer our own concrete sleepers.

After working with concrete sleepers, and seeing their life-long properties, we were sold! We used concrete sleepers wherever possible in our landscape design and construction. We’ve never turned back.
When we saw that there was demand for concrete sleepers, we decided to start manufacturing and supply others in need.

We now employ many local people in our new factory located in Dandenong Melbourne and delivery our products Australia wide
Our manufacturing process is designed with the latest technology and equipment to produce the highest standard concrete sleepers available in Australia, that meets all the required building standards Australia wide.

Icon Walls Pty Ltd complies to below Australian Standards:

  • AS 1170.0-2002Load combinations
  • AS 3600-2009Concrete Structures
  • AAS 4678-2002Earth-retaining structures
  • AS 1170.1-2002Dead and Live loads
  • AS 4100-1988Steel Structures


We have a huge selection of concrete Sleeper Online