Melbourne Concrete Sleeper Sales

Melbourne Concrete Sleeper Sales

Concrete Sleepers Melbourne

Concrete Sleeper Sales Melbourne

Are you looking for concrete sleepers for your retaining wall? Landscape retaining walls are not only decorative, but they can also be required to be a major function in any garden, by providing support to the natural ground scape and surrounding buildings.

Most retaining walls are constructed using engineered concrete sleepers, that are customised according to the project needs and location demands. Not only making them durable but also decorative to match your landscaping needs .

We at Icon Walls manufacture the very best concrete sleepers, that are used all over Melbourne on projects that range from commercial infrastructure through to your back yard garden throughout Melbourne.

Our concrete retaining wall sleepers are fully engineered and tested to meet the highest Australian standards and come in a variety of sizes and patterns.

Phone No

Phone : 03 9706 4779

Our Location

11 Kitchen Rd
Dandenong  Victoria 3175

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Our Hours

Monday - Friday :  8am - 4pm
Saturday - pickup only for paid orders
9am - 12pm
Sunday - Closed

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